Talon Electronics

RCA Diodes - All types and styles. Tuner, RF, IF, Sound, Video, Chroma, Vertical, Horizontal, Regulator and Screen/Luminance Types, listed in part number order.
No RFQs necessary

All prices are as listed on the website.

RCA 132416 Zener Diode and Special Resistor - RC-1239D, RC-1239E, RC-1239F
Item Details
Item Name
RCA 132416 Zener Diode and Special Resistor - RC-1239D, RC-1239E, RC-1239F
Item #

RCA 132416 Zener Diode - CR501 in RC-1289D/E/F Radio Chassis. When replacing RCA Special Instructions (SPS-2167) require simultaneous replacement of R501, included with the diode.

RCA 132416 Zener Diode - CR501 in RC-1289D/E/F Radio Chassis.  When replacing, RCA Special Instructions (SPS-2167) require simultaneous replacement of R501, included with the diode.






$4  Minimum Order


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