Talon Electronics

American Transistors/Thyristors with a 2N prefix
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2N4360 P-Channel JFET
Item Details
2N4360 P-Channel JFET
Item Name
2N4360 P-Channel JFET
Item #

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P-Channel JFET in a TO-106 case. Widely used in audio applications.

Please note:  Many AVR and ATMega-based semiconductor testers (GSM328, TC1, etc)  do not test P-Channel JFETs correctly.  These testers often test them as two diodes, or as a PNP transistor.  Our QA usea the Peak DCA75 Atlas Pro to validate all P-Channel JFETS,  Use caution when using and relying upon ATMega and AVR-based testers.

Fairchild P-Channel JFET in a TO-106 case.






$4  Minimum Order


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