Talon Electronics

RF Transistors and FETs. Primarily power devices from HF to Microwave / 6 GHz. All devices are new.
No RFQs necessary

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HEP-S3004 NPN Silicon RF Transistor 27MHz 3.4W  TO-39
Item Details
HEP-S3004 NPN Silicon RF Transistor 27MHz 3.4W  TO-39
Item Name
HEP-S3004 NPN Silicon RF Transistor 27MHz 3.4W TO-39
Item #
NTE Equivalent
224 NTE224

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Motorola Replacement Semiconductor,  NPN RF Transistor, 60V, 3.5W at 27 MHz, TO-39 case, same specs as MRF8004.

Packaged or bulk from distributor pack.

Click here for datasheet

Replaces 2SC106, 2SC312, 2SC866, 09-309062, 13-0028, 019-003935, 172-001, 172-001-9-001, 172-8-9-001, 172-9-9-001, 776Y, 1000-141, 1011-01, 1068-17, 1080-05, 4005(Transistor), 11252-6, 53201-51, A059-111, ECG224, Q-01384R, SE-3034, SK3049






$4  Minimum Order


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