Talon Electronics

RCA CRT TV / STEREO / RADIO Parts and Knobs for Sale | Talon Electronics LLC


(1962-1996 era)   RCA VINTAGE CRT TV  / Radio / Stereo PARTS IN STOCK
We have a large stock of vintage RCA parts - all in the original package and unused.  Some may have package markings such as price, inventory counts, or stock location, but the parts are unused, old stock.  Here is a listing of items we stock.  Note that we (nor any others) can obtain additional RCA parts - RCA stopped parts support for CRT TVs in 2010.

Contact us if you wish to ask about, check stock, or to inquire about the price on any RCA item below.  You MUST include the model number for the TV/Radio - we cannot assist you without this info.  No Model Number, no reply.

Don't know the part number, but have the drawing number marked on the part?  Email us for a cross reference!

Need a vintage 1962-1972 RCA knob?  Send us the model number and knob function - we can identify it.

There are no remaining Modules, Color TV Flybacks.
We have no phono motors or 45 rpm RP-series parts.  See our phono parts list for our (limited!) stock.  

"RCA" is a trademark of Talisman Brands, Inc, and is used solely to identify vintage parts supplied by RCA/Thomson prior to 2008.



Talon Electronics stocks a broad inventory of all kinds of new RCA service parts, electronic hardware and other items.  We also carry an extensive line of semiconductors, passives, and hardware for hobby, audio, test equipment, TV, stereo and radio use.






$5  Minimum Order


The absence of a trademark identifier is not a representation that a particular  word, image, or technology is not a trademark.   Talonix is a trademark of Talon Electronics LLC.  All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.   Images and Text Copyright © 2006-2025 Talon Electronics LLC. All rights reserved.