Talon Electronics

Variable Coils and Transformers - slug and piston tuned
No RFQs necessary

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        7mm  Adjustable IF Transformers Assortment - 2 Types - Pkg of 6
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        7mm  Adjustable IF Transformers Assortment - 2 Types - Pkg of 6
Item Name
7mm Adjustable IF Transformers Assortment - 2 Types - Pkg of 6
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7mm IF Transformer assortment - specifications unknown. Two types - three with black core and three with yellow core. Black core transformer is marked "1644." Yellow transformer is unmarked. Each has an integral capacitor in base. Assortment of 6 (six) IF transformers for the price shown.
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3 each (6 total) 7mm IF Transformers Assortment






$5  Minimum Order


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